Opera Export Files for Import to DSTAT

Daily Opera Data

At a previous time, you were instructed to setup automatic File Exports from Opera.  This causes Opera to create 3 files each day after the night audit is complete.  This procedure outlines the steps for completing the daily download of data for input to DSTAT.

File Download

When configured correctly, the Opera PMS creates 3 files each day as follows:

where pppp is the property code

            yyyy is the year

            mm is the year

            dd is the day


For example, the file PTAM20050501.DTB is the daily transactions for property PTAM for 05/01/2005 (May 1st).


  1. To start the download in Opera, select Miscellaneous from the top toolbar and then File Download from the side toolbar.  This will bring up a list of files on your Opera server.  You may see an hourglass for a couple of minutes as the system brings up the list of files.  If it takes a long time, this is normal when there are a lot of files.


  1. Once the list appears, scroll down and locate yesterday’s files.  Click the first one and then click the Download button.


  1. This will start Internet Explorer and then prompt you to Open or Save.  Select Save.


  1. You will need to specify the predetermined location on your server for these files. 


  1. IMPORTANT: make sure to change the file type to All Files (*.*) when saving.  If you don’t, on some systems, Windows may tack on a file extension that you don’t won’t.


  1. Once you’ve downloaded the first file.  Repeat steps 2-5 above for the other 2 files.

Loading Files to DSTAT

For certain users on specified workstations, DSTAT is configured to import Opera data.  This is setup in DSTAT by selecting ‘Setup PMS Interface’ from the Setup menu.

y Checking to ‘Import from PMS on this workstation’, selecting Opera from the System dropdown, entering the path to the downloaded files and entering the Opera property code, the user on this workstation is setup to read in Opera data to DSTAT.


Each time the option is selected to ‘Enter Yesterday’s Totals’ or ‘Enter Prior Day’s Totals’, the Opera data will populate the “Gross” value column on the DSTAT input screens.





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