Sample DSTAT Setup Task List

This appendix details the steps in setting up DSTAT for use at a new location.

1. Create, or modify, you daily accounting journal (and/or other daily report formats) as a multi-tab worksheet in Excel.

The Daily Accounting Journal has many different names at different companies (Greensheet, Daily Accounting Report DAR, Daily Revenue Report DRR, Flash Report, Early Bird, etc.), but in every case its purpose is the same.  The Daily Journal is designed to communicate daily totals from the hotels to the corporate office, and standardize the format of the data regardless of what systems the hotel uses.  Most companies already have an established format, and the first step in setting up DSTAT is to get a version of the daily report entered into Excel.  Each page of the journal (or other daily reports) should be created as separate worksheets (tabs) under one workbook.

2. Modify your spreadsheet so it works with DSTAT.
Create the spreadsheet using formulas for totals and other calculated values, just as you would if you were going to use Excel to create your daily spreadsheet.  DO NOT include ancillary fields or spreadsheets used to enter greater detail, but is not printed as part of the Daily Journal itself.  You are creating a custom report; you need only be concerned about the desired output.  The data entry portion of DSTAT will be configured in a separate part of the program.
In the sample at right, you can see how the various cells are configured to work with DSTAT:
Column C – Today: Values come from fields on the input screens, and are identified by entering a Journal Cell Address in brackets (e.g. [405] represents Transient Revenue).
Column D – Month to Date: These values are accumulated by adding together the individual daily values for the corresponding line.  M_  must proceed the cell address to identify it as monthly, and the address number itself must correspond to the address of Column C Today.
Column E – Last Year Month To Date: Using the same cell address as in column C with a prefix of ML_  will set DSTAT to calculate and enter the corresponding Month To Date values as they were last year.
Column F – Variance to Last Year: This cell is a calculated value.  To create variance columns or rows, or subtotals, you simply write traditional Excel formulas using the row and column positions from the spreadsheet.
Column H – Month to Date Budget: When the cell address is proceeded by an MB_ DSTAT will automatically enter the month to date Budget values that were either imported or typed into the Budget portion of DSTAT.
In the sample above columns G, I, and J are also created using Excel formulas

NOT shown in sample
Same Day Last Year: Many daily reports contain this comparison, and by using the same cell address used in column C but proceeded by an L_  DSTAT will automatically calculate and enter the corresponding value from the same day last year.
Daily Budget Value: Some items (such as Rooms Sold, Covers, Etc.) often have daily budget values.  Putting B_ in front of the cell address will set DSTAT to enter the corresponding daily budget value.
Daily Forecast Values: Place F_ before the cell address if want to retrieve Daily Forecast values.
Month to Date Forecast Values: Use MF_ before the cell address to have month to date forecast values.
3. Print out the completed spreadsheets (note: you may have as many pages as you desire).  Each page (or report) is contained on a tab within the workbook.
4. Gather up all reports used to complete the data entry for you daily reports.
The various statistical, revenue, expense, and ledger totals needed to complete the daily journal normally come from a variety of reports.  Often times a combination of Property Management, Point of Sale, Call Accounting, and Time and Attendance systems reports are needed to complete the data entry process.  You should gather a sample of every report needed.
5. Map out how the source reports relate to the Daily Journal itself.
Using the Daily Journal sample you printed in step 3, review each source report and determine the correct journal cell address for each value on the report.  It is likely that some values on the source reports will not be loaded to the journal, and subsequently won’t have a corresponding address.  It is also likely that some journal cell addresses will be the result of several values from the source reports.  This issue is addressed within DSTAT itself, since the same cell address can be used for more than one source value.
6. Install the DSTAT program.
Follow the installation instructions in the DSTAT Manual.

7. Select the desired spreadsheet.
After installing DSAT, follow the manual instructions on setting up a property in DSTAT.

When you are setting up your property, click on the Browse button next to the Journal File field.  Locate and select the Journal you created in Excel in the earlier steps.  In order to locate the file, you will need to remember the name you gave the file and the folder in which you saved it.
8. Proceed to the Set Up Input Screens


In order to create Input Screens you need Password access to Level 2 security.  If you do not know the appropriate password, contact your corporate office.
9. Take the reports gathered in step one, and for each report create an input screen.  Instructions are as follows:
One of the features of DSTAT is the way in which it allows you to create input screens that closely resemble the source reports that the night auditor works with, and then automatically converts the data entered into those screens onto the Daily Journal.  Because this automation is controlled through your setup, often times the auditor doesn’t even have to know or understand how the data is related.
 (See diagram on next page.)
A. The program will begin you on Section 1.
B. Using the first of your source reports as a basis, enter the name of the report in the field labeled “Section Title”.  In the Daily Input part of DSTAT this Section Title appears on the Tabs that the auditor sees, and by naming after the source report the auditor is able to easily match the reports with the appropriate screen, even if the reports are sometimes in a different order.
C. In the “Instructions” field you can provide a more detailed description of where the report is generated (what system and section the report is printed from, etc.).  In the event that the report has multiple columns (not accommodated in DSTAT) the instructions tell the auditor the order in which the data can be keyed.
D. Begin the process of creating entry fields for each item found on the source report.  Because DSTAT allows you to select what information goes to the journal, you can include all fields even those not needed to complete the daily.  Because you can use the same cell address for more then one input item, it is not necessary to manually add values from the source reports together.  DSTAT will add together all input fields labeled for a journal cell.  This makes it easier for the auditor to key straight off the reports.

E. PMS Code: Many Property Management, Point of Sale, and other systems have specific codes for values on their reports.  Including those codes on the input screen provides another way for the auditor to match the values on the source reports to the input screens.  These codes are used for Electronic Data Interface (EDI) to the PMS and other systems.
F. Account Number: This code represents the account number in your accounting system to which the values should be loaded.  Not all of the items listed will have a corresponding Account Number, so some of these fields will be left blank, and some individual lines will be combined into the same account number.  You can enter the same account number for more than one line item.  You must enter these codes if you wish to interface DSTAT directly to your accounting system.
G. Item: A text description of the item to be entered.  This will normally match the description on the source report.
H. Journal: This field identifies the cell address of the daily journal (or other custom report) to which the data needs to be loaded.  Using the Map you created in step 5. enter the cell address number for each item.  If there are items on the report that are not needed on the Journal, leave this field blank.  If there are multiple items that have to be added together to complete a value on the daily, put the same cell address in all the required items.
I. Format: This field indicates how data for this field will get entered into the program. 
None - No data entry for this item,
Manual – Data is typed manually for this item,
Formula – data is a calculated value based on other items in the section,
Import – Data is imported from an external source (e.g. PMS)

J. Decimal Places: The number of decimal places to display.
K. Adjustment Format: For each item you list, DSTAT automatically creates an accompanying adjustment column in the daily input portion of the program.  The options for setting up the adjustments are the same those listed for  ‘Format’.  If None is specified, then the Net value will be equal to the Gross Value.
L. Forecast Format: This filed is used to indicate how forecast values will get entered into DSTAT.  This column has the same options as ‘Format’.
M. Budget Format: This column defines how budget values will be loaded into DSTAT.
Manual – daily value is calculated based on even spread of value entered under ‘Enter Budget’,
Formula – use ‘Formula’,
Import – get budget value from an external source (e.g. CIA budget system). Or, load a monthly value from a separate spreadsheet and prorate by Elapsed Days in the accounting period.
N. Formula: Some items, such as sub totals, can be calculated rather than manually entered.  These entries are spreadsheet formulas based on values in the current section. 
O. Lock: If checked, setup data for this item cannot be changed without Level 2 password.
P. Hide: If checked, this item does not display on the Daily Input screen.  This is useful for obsolete items that need to be retained for historical purposes, or for certain items that are not applicable to a specific hotel.

After you have completed all of the setup for the first report, click on the Add Section button at the bottom of the screen to work on the next section (source report).



Other Set Up Screen Options
You will notice when you add a new section you have the option of making a Numerical, Text, or Comment Section.  This is to accommodate the various types of data that often goes on Daily Reports.  The screen described in the section above is the Numerical screen.

Some information that goes on daily journals is more text then number oriented (such as In House Groups, Weather, Etc.).  To accommodate this type of data, you have the option of creating a “Text” type entry screen.  These screens will provide fields where the auditor can type in Text entries during the daily entry process.

10.      Access “Enter Yesterdays Totals” and enter all required values.
To test your setup and formats, take all of the source reports for yesterday and key the data into the screens.  Verify that; the screens contain all the necessary fields, the instructions are correct, and any formulas are working.
11. Print the Journal and verify the totals against you exiting daily report.
With all of the input screens complete, press the finish button at the bottom of the input screen.  When the journal is displayed, press the print button.  Compare the printed journal to your actual daily. Verify; formulas are working correctly, data is feed from the input screens correctly, and there is no missing data.
12. Make any necessary changes to the DSTAT formats.
13. Enter budget values as directed by the Company Specific Instructions section of the manual.
14. Enter historical values as directed by the Company Specific Instructions section of the manual.
15. Enter forecast values as directed by the Company Specific Instructions section of the manual.
16. Enter additional days’ data.
With history, budget, and forecast data loaded, enter a second day’s worth of information.  Reprint the journal.  Verify: Historical totals, Budget totals, Forecast totals, that Month to Date is accumulating correctly, and that variances are calculating correctly.
17. Make any necessary changes to the DSTAT formats.
18. Begin using DSTAT daily.
























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